Well, I guess if you're going to be technical (and perhaps we should, since much of this blog will have to do with technology in education) I just got here. Welcome to Shellablogger, a blog that I hope will serve as a place for meaningful conversation on topics of current importance in education.
There's a lot of crap out there that I don't understand and a lot of crap that I don't agree with. I hope that there's also a lot of people who can (and will) straighten me out.
There's a ton of stuff that I have on my mind lately, but I'll try and space it all out a little bit (as I wait for summer to draw closer to its end, recruit followers, bribe friends to participate, drink to much Mountain Dew, etc.). Hopefully we'll get a chance to look at 21st century skills, project based learning, web 2.0, software, hardware, books, technology management, and more. First on the agenda: NECC '09. See you soon!
hello from