Thursday, July 30, 2009

Smart: The Car for Idiots

In the following paragraphs, I'd like to take a minute to deviate from normal logic and enjoy a rant that's been bouncing around in my head for months:

I went for a bike ride yesterday (I've recently been forced into training for an 100 mile race, but that's another story) and in the course of 30 miles I ran past 3 Smart cars with "For Sale" signs in their windows. Let me just mention at this point that I hate those cars.

Smart cars are rediculous. They seat two people. They look completely retarded. They have no power, no speed, and questionable handling. And (brace yourself for this one) they get decent gas mileage. It just kills me. These are supposed to be amazing, gas-sipping machines. I had a Ford Festiva 10 years ago that cost half as much, got better gas mileage, and had a back seat. Sure, you might die in an accident, but at least you wouldn't look like a pompous ass doing it.

But then, that was 10 years ago (and it was already 7 years old when I bought it). So lets talk more recent. More realistic. I haven't looked into this, but I think I can wing it on this one. Currently I drive a Corolla. I get almost 40 mpg. I don't look stupid. I have decent power, comfort, and room for 4 real adults plus their luggage. Prior to the Corolla, I had a Mazda3. Again, nearly 40 mpg, lots of comfort, room for people, and cool looks to boot.

Why then buy a Smart? Because you're a pompous ass.

What does this have to do with anything? Strangely enough it reminds me exactly of our schools technology. We have a lot of it. It's really pretty awesome. But, I think that we've bought a couple of Smart cars along the way.

That's enough for now. Thanks for listening to me rant. I'll be back to talking logic tomorrow.


  1. I love the part where you say bouncing around your head like this is the first time you have let it out. Only problem is I have heard how smart cars should be called idiot cars for months. Not quite to yourself now! Glad you got the comment working.

  2. I have to agree with some of what you said...they are dumb looking for sure, but should not be allowed on the roads around here, you can barely see them. What about this 100 mile don't have enough going on with the weeds and stuff??? Sounds tough from the chair I'm in! Good luck with training, you will do great!

  3. Sooo...the smart cars are the waste, or the buyers of the cars?

    I'm so not eco-friendly. Of my 5 dumb cars, the best gets 19mpg. The worst, 9. Of course, when I wreck into you on icy roads, I'll be able to walk away unhurt. Not sure the smart car driver will be able to walk.
